So I had her ask Storm several questions... What caused all the bucking? (he'd NEVER offered to buck with me, but at the training barn in Kentucky, he was labeled as too old to train something new and he bucks and is afraid of other horses...?????????????) He replied with not liking how he was being rushed through the training there and also he REALLY didn't like the "thing" attached to his saddle/girth/tack (?? they "talk" in pictures and feelings more so than in words and Linda was having a hard time describing the device) and then attached to his feet/lower legs and it was supposed to make him lift his legs higher but he really hated it. Anyone have an inkling of such a device used to get more leg action out of a horse? Let me know...
He did say he liked the food there (well yeah, alfalfa and grain, which he'd never gotten before) and that the main trainer riding him had nice, quiet hands on the reins....
Then some stuff about his/our future. He is not going to go live with Kamela. He also is not going to stay forever and become my horse (boo hoo :( ....though I really shouldn't have a 4th horse in my life anyway, only has so many hours and dollars to spend :P). He IS going to find the right home and that there is a woman with a young girl involved (he apparently also really loves children...prob why he won't be with me, none of those in my future thank goodness, LOL). He will be gelded some time in his future (get your breedings in now, while I have him! Might not be another chance! I am so glad I have Ari...) and he is going to stay with me for a year, maybe 2, but not more, before he moves on. He is in my life cause he is my spirit guide (and no, despite what I was wondering, we did NOT meet in a former life...I am just so connected to him cause he is my guide) to help me grow further and into my next stage in life...His daughter (Ari) is going to be my big time partner though, since he won't be.
Hhhmmmmm. Wow. Like I say, I always learn interesting stuff when Linda comes out to talk with my animals, LOL...
Well, after all that and sitting around in the sun (we actually HAD some in Trinidad today, but later the fog did blow back in...sighhhh) chit chatting, Linda went home and I figured it was about time to give the boy a trim. He got to our place looking like he was prob 10wks or so out from a trim (hard to say..I know a lot of farriers leave way too much foot, compared to how we barefooters it looks like the horse is really "long", when he was trimmed not too long ago), but I really didn;t have time to fuss with it as he was looking ok and not seeming bothered by them. So today I pulled out the tools and set him up. He has some good flaring going on, but the last 4mos or so of growth down from the coronet looks like it is coming in ok. So once the old hoof grows out, he should be fine and have nice feet. He has what looks like an abscess blow out about a third of hte way down his right front too. Back feet looked better flare wise than the fronts and all four had retained sole that had to come out. Over all he had healthy and well connected white lines and thick walls and decent frogs. I also fit him for Gloves (no shoes for this boy while in my care :) ) and he has a good sized foot..will take a 2.5 (same size as Chey, who was a 2 in shoes) and he seems to fit into the shells really nicely! Whoo Hoo!
Here are some before and after trim pics of his fronts and hinds...