Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ari...the saga continues

Well, after being called out of bed to Bayside (next town over, 15 mins away) at 6:10 am,where my two mares and Terri's mare are pastured, because the gals got out of their pasture and were across the street, I got another call at 10:30 or so. Ari has ripped her stitches out...grrrrrrrrr!!! I expected as much, I have to admit, when she got them put in. After all, there was no way to keep her from scratching her face or covering that area. So there went 200$ down the drain for nothing. I supposed it at least let the inside heal enough, that there is no hole all the way through her cheek... But now I am going to have to clean, irrigate, and goop up the wound (now a round, quarter sized hole, no longer the nice, clean cut) up twice a day at least until it heals... Oh Joy Joy.
I had to go through all this with my now 4yo when she was two...had a gash on her side that popped all the stitches as well. It looked ugly, but healed great! (Good thing, as it lies right under where a girth goes). But it sure was a PITA to mess with every day.
This morning Ari tried to trample me...not too appreciative of me scrubbing her wound, cutting out dead stitches, etc...I got dirt, blood, and betadine/water all over me, but finally got her all cleaned up nice. This evening she stood pretty well for her treatment though. Pics below are from this evening, after she was cleaned up.


  1. That's nothing....really, it'll heal up....I remember when Zenos had a sarcoid in that same area, we used Xterra to remove it and it was a bloody mess.

    At the time it does seem to take forever, because of the leg rubbing -- but, it'll be over with before too long and behind you.

    I have photos on the other computer from a really bad wound Rocky had several years ago that I used Schreiner's spray on (it was about 100x worse than this), and it worked really well. It's amazing how well horses can heal.

  2. I got some Schreiner's yesterday...holy cow! That stuff was 22$ for a small spray bottle! It better work well :)
